03 May, 2010

For Funsies

Ok, so we all know I'm weird. At least, you SHOULD even if you don't.
So, I have come up with three challenges and it is your task to complete one if you can. Or two or all of them if you're super awesome.
"Why?" you whine to me. Because I am awesome and you will be rewarded. Nothing like the idea of a mystery prize to get people to do things for you.
"What?" you ask. I'm getting there, I'm getting there. Naturally these tasks are a tad odd and you may not like any of them so you'll just be lame and do none. The last should be fun. The first definitely is.
Proof is needed for all tasks. This is photos, signed notes, etc. I can help you but only once and once only (not once for any task)

Task Uno:
Obtain a complete outfit of other peoples clothing and then wear it.
RULES: You may only get one piece of clothing from any person. Socks don't count as one but you get extra marks for odd socks or socks from different people. Even if you're a guy, this means getting a bra. You don't have to wear the person underwear.

Task Two:
Wear only an outfit of post-it notes for no less than 3 hours.
Rules: Gladwrap may be used to help keep the post-it notes on. You have to have at least one landmark in your proof photos. A landmark is a school, pizza shop, post office, laundromat etc.

Task Three:
May 72 peoples days in the city - Give free hugs!
Rules: You have to have a free hugs sign. You need a photo for EVERY person you hug. Multiple people in a photo count.

Have fun...First to complete wins the ultimate prize :D
Pick a task and let me know or help me with mine: Task UNO

I need:
2x socks

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