08 July, 2010

The Shock (Letters III)

I nearly died four minutes ago. YOU ACTUALLY READ THIS. I was aware that you were aware of its existence but I am truly shocked to discover that you have a presence here.
The Parliament was just a joke. It was teenagers giving each other labels to mock the political system. Oddly enough, we learnt. And it was also a really good reason to say 'The Parliament' in a weird voice whilst using quotation marks. We were odd little ones those years ago.
I'm glad you kept both hands on the wheel. I'm notorious for taking mine off. I totally understand the panic and necessity of holding on for dear life. Manual sucks. As long as you don't crash, feel free to ignore me as much as you like. Nice car BTW. Red and shiny :)
I like you. You're awesome, so don't feel bad. When I get sad, do you know what happens? I get sad and then I get awesome. True story. You should try getting awesome more often. Or just out. My blog is now officially mobile! SQUEE!
I blame you for that.
She was my friend. Now she's my sister. It's pretty awkward. You may be the only person in Pakenham who doesn't 'know' her. Go you.
The past has not disintegrated but rather taken itself apart and set itself out in front of us. The order is occasionally wrong and sometimes parts are obscured but it is there. No piece is missing because there is always a friend who knows where we are and who we were. That's what we are for. We are for remembering all the secrets and embarrassing stories.
We are The Parliament.
On to your dream. Explain, analyse and then laugh because you're pretty sure that odd socks has nothing to do with the grapes. Or Tiffany. Be willing to share of yourself more instead of telling. We do not want to know more about you, we want to know who you are.
I'm sorry that you feel isolated. I understand. Your 'friends' don't need you but they will have you. It's hard when that is all you have. You may be better off finding a friend who needs you. Or you could always bitch and moan to your mum until she lets you come back. Maddi isn't Maddi without her punk look or you.
You need more life.

P.S I refuse to blog and so you abstain from doing the same. I return and so do you. Manchild, why?

1 comment:

  1. Circumstantial coincidence?

    I came here to do a Fantasy World Building post, saw your letter, read it, started to reply in the comments, then realised it was too long for a comment and I may as well do a blog post in response. Then I did the World Building post I had planned, as you should see now.
