In my handbag I have several necessities that must not be removed save for the changing of bags.
There is my identity. First and foremost, I must have my Learner’s Permit. It reminds me of who I superficially am to myself and to the world. It is proof that I exist and am a part of the world. My birth date is provided to inform any who care that I have been here and have been here for some time. It has my name for no person can go unnamed. I have a name. I have an identity.
Then there is the bracelet. It is not pretty or particularly useful but for the memories. The bracelet was Little Sara’s bracelet. It reminds me that fire is destructive and that no life is sacred. It reminds me that I am a friend to children. It tells her story to me and I carry her with me always. The existence of a loved one proves that I have loved and been loved.
I have my epaulettes. They are blue and without stripes. These epaulettes exist to show that I am active. They show that I have earned rank and that I am doing something both useful and productive with my life. I am not wasting my time on unimportant matters but am forming a person from the shell that I am. These epaulettes show that I care. They show that I care enough about people that I’ve usually never met before and that I care so much that I will do anything to ensure they do not feel pain.
So far I have an identity, I am capable of love and I care.
My wireless internet USB. It now goes everywhere and so it should. It is how I connect and am related to others. There is no hope of ever reaching my mobile but I am always reachable via the internet. It is how I keep my others within reach and allow them to know that I am still here though that may not be where they are. It is how I share myself with the world and the inhabitants who care enough to discover me. It is my network.
The last is a recent addition. I found this again whilst moving my things and I am undecided about the merits of carrying it with me. It is my hospital bracelet. It could have been either from April or June last year but I remember the one from June was red because I was able to put a sentence together and tell them my allergy. I do not carry this with me to reprimand myself or to remind me that I must be careful. I carry my hospital bracelet as a reminder that never again will I be so weak. I will always have my bad days and worse nights but I will never fall so far as I did that year.
So I have an identity and am real. I am loved and I love. I care for others whilst making a someone of myself. There is a world that I am connected to.
I am strong.
However, there is one thing I wish I remember to keep in there more often. I swear I’m going to go postal on the wind. I should have brought a clip or something...
Terreur Nocturne.
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