11 September, 2010

Getting To Know You (Alice Writer)

UNTITLED – Concept Character

I had a twin sister once. Now I don’t. Because of one stupid, drunk driver I am alone. We didn’t look the same but we did have a twin bond. Spending nine months with someone’s leg wrapped around your arm that tends to happen to you.

Exams are important to me. It was so crucial for me to pass, to do really well. So I gave everyone a lecture.
“This is the Glen 20. Use it often, use lots. If you get me sick during Exam Week, I will kill you.

I hurt myself. I have cuts on my legs, scars on my arms. I’ve burnt myself and sliced through my own flesh. I can’t stand blood in movies but I can deal with my own pain and gore. I stabbed myself in the leg with a screwdriver one time.

The first time I was arrested was at a gay rights rally. Someone had attacked one of the gay marchers and it started a fight. Somehow it became my fault and I ended up in the back of a cop car. My parents weren’t impressed but they couldn’t do anything. I got away with everything after the accident.

My parents are good people but they are trying to fill the void. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and someone I’ve never met before is sleeping on the couch. I already live with nine strangers, four cats, seven koi fish, three lizards, a swearing cockatoo and two parents who always let me down.

I took a fourteen year old for an abortion. I’m anti-abortion but I look at it and ask myself “Which consequence could she live with? The baby or the abortion?” So I took her to the clinic and held her while she cried. I walked her from her hospital bed to the bathroom. I read her stories until she fell asleep. I rocked her in my arms like she would never be able to do with her child. I was there for her like no one else could be. I was there when I was needed, not when I felt like it.

I love my boyfriend but I know we have issues. We have a tough relationship but it works for us. We always scream at each other and I even tear his clothes but we are in love. He doesn’t like to talk about the accident and neither do I but he listens when I bring it up. Every time he kisses me I walk away. He’ll be holding me and I’ll look away before he tilts my face towards him and kisses me. I always let him but then I walk off and go somewhere else. I’ll lie on his bed typing letters to my sister and he’ll tell me how much he loves me. He’ll say I’m beautiful, that I mean everything to him. He even worked up the courage to say he loves me. I acted like I couldn’t hear him.

Got a good idea for the name of someone with a dead paternal twin named Alice?

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